hello everyone, long time no post. sadly, this post is again tragic. I bought a greenhouse kit a month ago and put all my plants in there. they were doing great beacuase of the humidity. however, last week the temps in tucson dipped really low. where i live the temps were at 19 degrees. i had no idea they were going to drop so low because we were having 90 degree days. so i went to work that night and when i came home the next morning what i found was heartbreaking. everything was frozen.

the plants had succumb to the icy temps and died since i didnt protect them. same with all the neighbors plants and on top of that broken water pipes

noone saw it coming.
so after having another incident where i BAKED all my plants in a greenhouse last summer and now freezing them this winter, i think im just going to stay away from greenhouses until i can get something bigger that wont change temps so drastically. il summer my plants outdoors and then bring them indoors. at least there were some survivors again which i will now tend to and will keep my passion alive.
i have them in my closet under some flourescent lighting. the question is, there are a couple of the so called "Dead" plants that still have greenish pbulbs or crowns. do you think they may come back with ALOT of tlc

thanks. i hope my collection will grow again in the spring