I am very sorry you lost so many of your collection. I had one of those greenhouses. Used it for hardening off seedlings for the vegetable garden. Only survived one summer outside here in S. Oregon. The plastic just disintegrated. Maybe you could get
some T5 lights and grow your chids inside. good luck with the survivors. Must have been very sad coming home to that. Carol
OK sounds like you have the hot days taken care of. Now you need to make arrangements for cold weather. Get a portable heater and figure out where to set it so it will come on at whatever temp. you think appropriate. Do this before you buy and murder any more orchids. Why hit yourself over the head any more (because it feels good when you quit?)
Beverly A.
so sorry for your losses, but some may recover with care, trim away all the frozen black growth, as it will only provide a home for insects and bacteria/fungus....gl
check your WTB classifieds. I have a some catt crosses that I have been nursing for the past 2 years. They could use a new home because I need the space. They were going to be thrown away originally and I just couldn't bear to see that. Some have names, some don't. Some have bloomed, some haven't but should this year. Most have new growths already.
OMG!! I'm so sorry. I once lost twenty tears of work when a hard drive failed. I was crushed. Your loss is much, much worse. Hopefully some will pull through. Good luck.