ok... since last post here, my prolems withthe disc hernias have not gotten much better, and I will be having a surgery next wednesday morning... somehow a routine surgery, in which the hernia will be extracted. Luckily the main hernia is located in a very accesible place, and therefore the surgery will no be very invasive... the very next day I should be walking, and in 4 or 5 days I should be back at home
however, during this time the greenhouse has seen some improvement and my plants have just moved in... right timing, as temps started to go down very quick these last days here (night temps around 5-7°C / 41 - 44F). Funnily, all these days before moving the plants in, it has been a bit cloudy, and also the big birch was giving enough protection.. as soon as the plants were moved in, we had 4 very sunny days and the birch had lost all leave few days before. Result, temps inside went up to 37°C (98F) during the day and some plants got sunburned
I had to quickly find out where to buy some shade clothes and let them be installed...
building the benches
greenhouse 39 by
kavanaru, on Flickr
first plants move in. well, not orchids, but desert plants.. yes, I know, and now they are not in the GH anymore
that's the problem when your friends are botanist: they are informed you have a greenhouse and give you a fantastic present: RARE PLANTS! I am not sure yet where toput them... maybe a windowsill in the house
greenhouse 40 by
kavanaru, on Flickr
greenhouse 41 by
kavanaru, on Flickr
greenhouse 42 by
kavanaru, on Flickr
greenhouse 43 by
kavanaru, on Flickr
Of course, living in France we had celebrate with Champagne that the greenhouse was ready to receive the plants (ok, heating system installation was still needed, but that was just plugging in the heaters)
Celebration by
kavanaru, on Flickr