My 2 year old very small greenhouse
Hard to believe it has been almost 2 years since I built this puppy and every day has been full of excitement of what's in bloom now or guess what we got, this has been the best investment in time, love and money, ever.
The g.h. is 6'x8' and 10' tall, I built up a 2'.6" foundation wall and anchored the Gh., I am 6'6" and need all the height I could get, I still think I should have gone with a 3 feet wall. I have over 300 chids and about 100 other type plants.
I am picky about what goes in the Gh. I look for mostly small to medium size plants, but there are several regular catts. and a large Ansellia and that large Coryhopea that I hope will bloom this year, with 12 leads it better.
We also have an outdoor orchid collection and tons of other rare and and odd plants, the most colorfull front yard on the block.
With just a fan that I run 24/7, in the summer I must keep door open so I have a mist system that comes on several times during the day to help with cooling, on days below 85f I can keep door close and open bottom vent to bring in freash air and keep humidity high without misters. Heating is easy, I have a small radient heater that on low will keep it toasty almost to toasty.
I have a wide range of plants in there from Draculas to a couple of Vandas.
In the winter here in Los Angeles our lows are in the
30's sometimes, so I dont let the greenhouse get below 45, I only put heater on when nights are below 45, I figure most plants can tolorate some cold and so far I am right. I have been growing plants for over 40 years and orchids for over 30, I even collected them from Mexico back in the 1980's, plants can handle dry cold better then wet cold.
Watering can be a little tough, I use water cans with long spouts since I save rainwater and the greenhouse only gets rainwater for about 5 months and the rest of the year filtered water with a hose which makes it easier, which they seem to like also.
Pics. are of greenhouse when first built and my yard about 6 months ago, the last picture shows the greenhouse in the background and if you look at the two orchids on the fence they are onc. gower ramsey that grow in full sun and are over 15 years old and must have 200 bulbs.
Last edited by Orchidbyte; 03-05-2010 at 03:54 PM..