Originally Posted by mojomick
Doc, The top of the gh got to 101 yesterday. i checked the light levels and top bench was over 6000 fc. so put the shade cloth on right then and there to prevent sunburn. The exhaust fan is running and keeping most of the house at no more than 86. Betty Your pictures are fantastic. What kind of program do you use to put the names on the pics? I write the newsletter for our society and would love to spruce it up a bit with fancier pictures. Good Luck at the show..
OK, you guys have to stop testing my brain-dead brain.... Now let's clarify.... mojomick, you're Betty, right? And I know Ranchnanny is Sheridan and well, Sandy is Sandy who lives down the street and around the corner from my mom. So who is asking who about pictures and software and names on pics?????? I'm getting a headache.... I need a nurse!!!!

That temperature is unreal!!!! Hard to believe in the dead of winter your temps get up that high!!!!
Thanks Sandy... I may be able to grow another keiki from the plants I currently have but it wouldn't be ready til next spring....can you wait?