Thanks for the comments! As always, thanks for looking.
Originally Posted by harrywitmore
Mike, I have just the space for you. Pack your bags and come on down for a week and help me transform it this summer.
Great job!
Thanks, Harry. There's also a thread on DB with a little more info. You've made some really cool displays, in your GH from what I've seen. Did you finish the epiphyte branch you were working on?
Haha, I'm pretty sure I would have a heck of a time trying to figure out what few plants in your collection I wouldn't want to use and how to fit them all (think super dense planting!). That, and how I would fit all those cuttings in my pockets!
Seriously, I'd come down in a second, but this last one took nearly two months. All depends on what you're goal is though...
Did you recognize your A. friedrichsthalii on the right? I thought it wouldn't mind being set free.
Originally Posted by greenbean
WOOOOOWWW! I am awestruck! I love the diversity, I love the design, I love all of it!
I hope you get/make one some day, there's nothing like watching your own naturalistic scape evolve and grow over time.
Getting to pick through some of my favorite plants and mix that kind of variety (I'm a tropical plant enthusiast first) was the next best part, after getting the hardscape concept out of my head and into 3D... I haven't done this enough times that I can be sure, before it's finished, that it'll look very much like my imagined ending. This one was a huge learning experience though.