Thanks everyone for the speedy help.
Originally Posted by HDCochran
I allowed treated wood to dry for three months, then used oil-based primer, and finally painted with three coats of high-quality exterior house paint. I used white to reflect maximum light back onto plants. I have to clean mildew, but the paint is holding up well.
I like this idea. Especially the "dry" three months.

I had to cover the whole thing, pond and all to keep the heat in.
The orchids seem to love their new home.
I almost lost them this fall. Time and a false boob issue crept up on me. The orchids were still outside.
Now I am slowly working on a P/T slatted floor to get out of the mud. I spent my gravel money on "Icky and the squidlets." a frozen orchid and flask.

Next I have to have carpol tunnel tunnel surgery on both hands. The things we do for love. Thanks again. I have millions of questions. My brain is back wards. I just don't get language. I am trying real hard.
