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Old 04-08-2009, 11:18 AM
mojomick mojomick is offline
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Vicki, I hope all is going well. The issue ofan elevated foundation would probably work if you put steps inside and outside that way you could have the door sill at the top of the stairs. It might be a nusience to go up and down, but you would have the height for your vandas and such. As far as cooling is concerned, I put in a swamp cooler which would not work for you as our humidity is almost zilch so the swamp cooler works well and adds humidity. I have misters under the bottom bench so the air is cooled and the humidity stays where I want it. They are connected to a humidistat which controls when they go on and off. As far as air conditioning, I just saw one advertized in a local home depot and it stays outside but is vented into the greenhouse. You could connect to a thermostat and voila, cool air at the temp you want. It is really not too complicated and the price was only a couple of hundred. I hope you bought your gh with all the attachments included. I bought my sunglo through Costco and almost everything came with it. You can't beat the price and the convenience of having most of the necessities. I added the humidistat and misters, and a few other things, but on the whole it was inside the kit. I hope all is going well with the project. If I can help in any way, just ask. Good Luck. PS the shade cloth I use is 70% as my gh is in full sun and it is very bright here. In the summer the sun comes up at 4am and it stays light until 9 or 10. So we can grow a lot of high light plants. In the winter, that's another story. But we get by. I have a bifenera harrisonia that is loving the mottled sun and has 4 spikes. We have our local orchid show in three weeks and I am praying for good light so it will be in bloom. Right now, we have clouds and expecting snow for Easter. Such is the plight of us orchid growers in the northwest. Betty
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Old 04-08-2009, 02:18 PM
Virgil Virgil is offline
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Default temp water supply

Vicki , Here are a couple pictures of my temp water connection with hose until I get to finish my hard plumbing, On the inside I have a siphon that allows me to add fert to the 5 gallon bucket when I water,
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Old 04-08-2009, 02:22 PM
Virgil Virgil is offline
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Vicki, a friend of mine elevated his glass green house to get height, He dropped the door down to ground level and filled in the space left on top with a vent. hope that is clear if not i will try to be more specific.
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Old 04-09-2009, 01:21 PM
VickiC VickiC is offline
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Hi Betty! I hope everything is going well for you, too. My greenhouse has not arrived yet (it's been about a week 1/2 since my husband ordered it). I'm on pins and needles.....can't wait for it to get here. You probably know the feeling.

I think maybe I should give the the foundation height issue more thought, but I really want the gh higher for headroom, and as you said, certains orchids, as well. As you also mentioned, steps would most likely be a nusiance, but I can't think of any other way to get more height. I need to go back and look at a picture of the greenhouse because I can't remember how high the door is from the bottom. If it's not any higher than the railroad crossties that my husband is thinking about using, then I won't have steps on the inside, if I understand correctly, that is ??? I can't remember if you mentioned the height of yours in your previous posts, but I gather here that your gh is not elevated ??? I do believe I remember BikerDoc mentioning that his doorway walks out onto his deck. That would be nice, but there is one problem with that, as far as I'm concerned.....we don't have a deck. lol Got a "country-style" backporch with rails, so that wouldn't work for me. I don't think I have much choice.....guess I'll have to deal with that when the gh gets here, but I can't help thinking and thinking of all the different things I'm gonna have to deal with. I'm sure you've "been there, done that".

I know that heat is going to be a very big problem for me....probably the biggest..... since we have such hot summers in Alabama (in my area, for sure). I can't get a feel in my mind yet for the winter heating, though. I have 2 4' fixtures of T5 lights (6) in my orchid room that my husband is thinking about transferring to my gh. Since they generate quite a bit of heat, I'm guessing there are gonna be pros and cons to the extra heat output. Maybe I should try to find out if cool bulbs can be used in the fixtures, rather than the bulbs I have. ?? As for a swamp cooler as opposed to an airconditioner, I have read the same thing that you mentioned.....about the humidity. When I read it, I didn't think that would be a cooling option for me, either. As for an airconditioner, I didn't know one could be placed on the outside and vented to the inside......what is the benefit of an outside one as opposed to a portable floor ac on the inside.....space?

I don't understand mister systems at all yet. I'm very ignorant about them.....I don't even understand where they are installed. Maybe it will all fall in place in my mind after I see the gh. ??

Anyway, I really wish we could have ordered it through Costco, as you and BikerDoc did, but we couldn't think of anyone we know who has a membership there. I searched gh vendors and the best I could come up with was Greenhouses.com. Their cost was $5200 for an approx 10x17 (10.3x17.6???) I hope it comes with all the attachments, too. I assume it will.....that's the impression I got.

Shadecloth is a big concern for me, also. I appreciate you telling me that you use 70% shadecloth because my gh will get very bright sun, as yours does.

You may get snow for Easter.....my goodness! Well, I hope our cold weather is basically behind us here. Now that I think of it, though, I recall a time several years ago that it snowed here the first week in April. My husband is military retired, and at the time, he was in Korea. I was here and had to take pictures of the snow for him to believe me on the phone (well, he believed me, but I DID take pics. lol)

I hope I'm not putting the cart before the horse since my gh has not even arrived yet.....but I hope to be at least somewhat prepared when it does.

Thanks for your reply and advice, Betty. I know I will need help, so I appreciate what you've told me.


Originally Posted by mojomick View Post
Vicki, I hope all is going well. The issue ofan elevated foundation would probably work if you put steps inside and outside that way you could have the door sill at the top of the stairs. It might be a nusience to go up and down, but you would have the height for your vandas and such. As far as cooling is concerned, I put in a swamp cooler which would not work for you as our humidity is almost zilch so the swamp cooler works well and adds humidity. I have misters under the bottom bench so the air is cooled and the humidity stays where I want it. They are connected to a humidistat which controls when they go on and off. As far as air conditioning, I just saw one advertized in a local home depot and it stays outside but is vented into the greenhouse. You could connect to a thermostat and voila, cool air at the temp you want. It is really not too complicated and the price was only a couple of hundred. I hope you bought your gh with all the attachments included. I bought my sunglo through Costco and almost everything came with it. You can't beat the price and the convenience of having most of the necessities. I added the humidistat and misters, and a few other things, but on the whole it was inside the kit. I hope all is going well with the project. If I can help in any way, just ask. Good Luck. PS the shade cloth I use is 70% as my gh is in full sun and it is very bright here. In the summer the sun comes up at 4am and it stays light until 9 or 10. So we can grow a lot of high light plants. In the winter, that's another story. But we get by. I have a bifenera harrisonia that is loving the mottled sun and has 4 spikes. We have our local orchid show in three weeks and I am praying for good light so it will be in bloom. Right now, we have clouds and expecting snow for Easter. Such is the plight of us orchid growers in the northwest. Betty
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Old 04-09-2009, 03:31 PM
VickiC VickiC is offline
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Default Virgil

Good idea, Virgil. Thanks for the pics. Pictures are always helpful. I can speak for myself for sure.
I don't know what I'm gonna do about water, but I've gotten ideas from a few of you here on OB, so your system might be the way I need to go for now....just not sure.

Thanks for your input....I appreciate your reply!

Originally Posted by Virgil View Post
Vicki , Here are a couple pictures of my temp water connection with hose until I get to finish my hard plumbing, On the inside I have a siphon that allows me to add fert to the 5 gallon bucket when I water,
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Old 04-09-2009, 03:35 PM
VickiC VickiC is offline
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Default Virgil

Another good idea. Thanks again. I know with the weather here, I cannot get too much venting.....every little bit will be helpful, I'm sure.
Thanks once more,

Originally Posted by Virgil View Post
Vicki, a friend of mine elevated his glass green house to get height, He dropped the door down to ground level and filled in the space left on top with a vent. hope that is clear if not i will try to be more specific.
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Old 04-11-2009, 04:45 PM
mojomick mojomick is offline
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Vickie, I will try to take some pictures of the misting system for you later this week. It's one of the last things you will put in so there is time. Just make sure you put a water supply on the inside of the house. I have mine by the door. We attached all the water systems there. Oh and by the way, make sure you put in at least several more electical plug ins as you always find a reason for just one more. Have a happy easter and once you are building if you have any questions, I check the board at least twice a day. Best of luck, Betty
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Old 04-11-2009, 06:00 PM
VickiC VickiC is offline
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Default mojomick

Hi Betty,
Thank you.....I hope you have a nice Easter, also.

I would love to see pictures, but I certainly do not want you to go to any trouble. They would be very helpful to me, though, if it's convenient. Since there are no greenhouses within miles of here that I'm aware of, I'm having a hard time visualizing the different aspects of a setup.

By the way, you mentioned whether or not my Sunglo will come with all attachments, as yours did.....I still don't know positively. I thought I had searched sites thorough enough before I ordered, but after having looked further recently, and thought more about it, I'm wondering now if I should have checked closer because I'm guessing that the only "extra" that will come with it will be the exaust fan. ?? Like I said, though...not sure.

I'm glad you mentioned electrical outlets.....the thought hasn't crossed my mind.

Thanks so much for your help,

Originally Posted by mojomick View Post
Vickie, I will try to take some pictures of the misting system for you later this week. It's one of the last things you will put in so there is time. Just make sure you put a water supply on the inside of the house. I have mine by the door. We attached all the water systems there. Oh and by the way, make sure you put in at least several more electical plug ins as you always find a reason for just one more. Have a happy easter and once you are building if you have any questions, I check the board at least twice a day. Best of luck, Betty
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