Originally Posted by MuscleGirl'sHobby
Hi Ron. Great idea with the greenhouse! I've been thinking it wasn't possible for me to have one because of my narrow back yard, but I wasn't thinking outside the box! My how nice it would be to have some french doors off the end of the bedroom into my orchid house!
Sounds like a plan to me. It always starts with a plan, or at least it should.
I remember a greenhouse I was in years ago. It was on the north side of a ranch style house and you got to it from the dining room through French doors. Down a few steps and you were in a very long lean-to greenhouse about 8 feet wide that was about 20 feet long. On the outside it was just a few feet from the lot line with enough room for a mower.
What really always intrigued me about the whole setup was their heating system. In the basement they had a very large hot water tank (not a boiler) and the greenhouse had finned tubes along the outside wall. A pump circulated hot water through the system. I thought that was really neat. The greenhouse was a Lord and Brunham with aluminum frame. It looked real sharp from the street.
I never thought a north facing greenhouse would be good for growing orchids but those folks sure knew how to make it work.
Good luck in the quest for a ghouse.