So this spring I had planned on starting my long awaited greenhouse. Ive wanted one for years and now that we actually own a home I couldn't wait to get started. With the sluggish economy and the cost of doing business going through the roof the finances haven't been there to do that and renovate this house. So I've had to wait. That is until this morning. I found out that one of the senior members of our local society has liquidated his entire collection down to one orchid and is selling his greenhouse. I knew he had spent a small fortune designing, building and perfecting it so I knew it was way out of my price range. After stewing on it for an hour or so I figured I'd give him a shout and maybe take a look at it and kick the tires a bit. If anything I figured Id be at home pouting in my beer tonight. When I got there to see the greenhouse I found that it was FANTASTIC
. So I dropped the question. "How much?"..........
So my next story is about the greenhouse I bought for $500 and have to take apart and move to my back yard
Its 12x24' and includes heat, foggers, ventilation, lighting and the shade cloth. SOOOOO EXCITED! Now I just have to convince the town to let me put it up.