Hi Terri,
My temp stays about 85-88 *92(worst I've seen)
Humidity stays from 50-65%
I put All fans and exhaust fan on a timer now. Nothing is blowing at night now or 'pulling out'.
The timer is from 9:00am - 7:00pm. I thought that might help, just to keep some moisture in the pots, with nothing blowing around them, or pulling out the window.
Can you tell me what's the best time to have the high humidity? Better for Day or Night? As I can't run my humidifier 24/7, doesn't hold that much water. So I'll put that on a timer too if needed. Just didn't know what time was best?
I mounted a bunch of phals last night. I posted pics them in a thread last night too. Maybe under "My New Phal Mounts", I think. If you care to look
Thanks for you help and wisdom Terri
Originally Posted by quiltergal
Jackie what's the average temp and relative humidity in the greenhouse? My thought is that if the humidity is too low & the temp warm/hot the plants will dry out faster. If you bump the humidity up they may not dry out quite as fast. I'm not a greenhouse grower so will let someone else weigh in on this.
As long as your moss is bone dry you should be fine with watering every couple of days. If you're having to water that often you might want to consider mounting a few and see how that works. You'll have to water daily though.