So I bought one. It's not up yet, I'm still trying to figure out where / how I'll set it up. My favorite spot is on a concrete slab, but how do you attach it? We always called the spot the "shuffle board" court though there is no sign the previous owners used it for that? It's next to the garden plot, which is only 13 x 13. I'd love to stick it on the dirt, but hubby would flip! LOL.
The other spot is very shaded, which would probably be OK here in So Cal. It's also farther from the house, which would make bringing electricity to it harder, and being shady may make solar harder.
So how do I attach it to a 60 year old HARD concrete slab that is uneven, sloped and cracked? And what do I do about a floor? How do I retain moisture if the floor is concrete?
So any ideas are welcome, but being that I'm not in the best of shape, the easiest and cheapest solutions will most likely be the best, LOL