Registered: January 2009 Location: Northern Virginia near Skyline Drive Posts: 14
I have had this pest on mostly my phaleanopsis put also occasionally on my dendrobiums. I started with a phal. that I bought from Wegmans. About a month after I got it the plant was covered with them. I manually rubbed them off and have been checking all my plants regularly. So far I have kept the infestation in check.
· Date: Sat October 31, 2009 · Filesize: 32.2kb, 60.7kb ·
Looks like scale....alcohol on cotton swabs usually do the trick, but they can be stubborn!! I have sprayed mine with soultion of 1/2 alcohol and 1/2 water as well...
------------------------------ Beth
LarryAJ Jr. Member
Registered: January 2009 Location: Northern Virginia near Skyline Drive Posts: 14
Tue February 2, 2010 6:09pm
Yep! That was what it WAS. I bought some 50/50 isopropyl alcohol at Family Dollar. Then found some 91% at CVS double the size of the 50/50. So I poured a full bottle of the 50/50 in my hand sprayer which filled it half way. Then I topped it off with the 91% which used half the bottle so the mix would have been 70% alcohol. I saturated all my plants with that mix and then three days later did it again. That seems to have "got 'em!", but if it didn't I have enough for a second go round.