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Registered Members can use this gallery to store their hobby related photos.
Sick Noid Phal Pictures of my sick noid Phal to go with a recent post KultureShock 5 photos
stem propagation photo's stem propagation photo's KultureShock 4 photos
New Phalaenopsis possibly stuartiana? KultureShock 5 photos
Phalaenopsis Orchids in water beads KultureShock 5 photos
pictures of other peoples plants in water beads KultureShock 2 photos
My new mini phal I was told that this little phal was a species phalaenopsis not a noid but the seller didn't have the information on what species it was... any guesses? KultureShock 2 photos
Tissue culture specimens I photo reference for my tissue culture specimens. (at least the ones that i was able to get a picture of while they were in flower) KultureShock 1 photos
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