I just configured something pretty cool. Attachments no longer need to open up in a new window, they now 'slide' open inside the post and if there's more then one you can view post attachments as a mini-slide show
Now this only works for attachments, so if you post thumbnails from our gallery, this won't work. I'll see if I can get it to work, but don't hold your breath, for now we get enough attachments in posts that this is cool enough!
Click on the thumbnails to see this feature in action. Few pictures from Asia, Bali to be exact.
A bit more advanced feature for you techies out there
To add a caption to a photo, you can use this: [attcap=2088]Sunset view of a buddhist monestary[/attcap]
Trick is, you need to know the Attachment ID, which if you hover over the first attachment will be visible in the status bar. In the 1st attachment it is 2088
This was really cool, we were sitting at the top of a cliff on a restaurant patio eating, drinking and looking at the sunset over this amazing buddhist monestary. Building structure was was entirely carved out in stone. One of the nicest views I've seen. Food was amazing too !!!
Terrace Rice Fields in Bali
High Priest Temple in Bali