Dendrobium normanbyense x aberrans
Finally, a group of Dendrobiums that LOVE my growing conditions!!! Latouria for the win. This is a small growing hybrid that loves moisture and tolerates shadier conditions -- a perfect companion for slipper orchids.
This has been sitting down in a clay pot with a saucer that I keep water in constantly. The plastic pot that the plant is growing in does not sit in water, however. The clay pot has developed a nice healthy layer of moss on the inside and out, and this plant has grown its roots down into said moss. Very pretty display.
It's a faithful bloomer, sending out flowers in the late fall or early winter each year, then a second flush in summer. The flowers are very long lasting, 4 - 6 months, sometimes more is pretty typical.
The flowers are nicely scented during the day time. It's another unusual fragrance. Sweet and nice. This is going to sound strange, but the scent is reminscent of the smell of a bird nest with freshly hatched eggs. It's a scent that's prevalent in the spring around here, sort of sickly sweet but not at all disgusting like it probably sounds.
Anyway, this hybrid is highly recommended, especially for beginners to orchids and those that have trouble with Dendrobiums (like me). It's very forgiving.