The only think Latourias really hate is going dry for too long. These are not for people who forget to water. The smaller the plant, the less room for error.
__________________ May the bridges I've burned light my way.
Well, I ordered Den. Atroviolaceum! I was going to get Micro Chip but.......I had a problem with the vendor who offered one in blooming size.
I appreciate all the opinions advice you nice people have offered.
It should do great outdoors in your rainy, humid climate. It will probably be too small to take much sun. Once it begins growing potting into LECA might be a good idea - I bet bark doesn't last long in your heat and humidity.
__________________ May the bridges I've burned light my way.
I don't think they are difficult to grow but they require frequent watering in bark or lava rock.
Along with all the types that have been mentioned, I would also recommend Den mini snowflake (pictured below).
I also took a pic comparing the sizes of the smaller latouriates I have. (From the left), Den mini snowflake, Den little atro, Den microchip, Den normanbyense.
Mine is two years old (here). It is 14" from the bottom of the 6" pot to the top of the tallest leaf and since the flowers cascade, they don't add height.
Too pretty! The description on the wesite where is was for sale said up to 20" and that was bigger than my available space. But I really do love that flower!