First, little disclaimer: just want to say I am by NO means a dendrobium expert (which will be obvious to those of you who are lol), but I have been trying to learn more about them. After about a week of researching online an interesting question hit me right in the face: Since there are so many different species of dendrobium, are there any general subcategories I should know about? (I have read the sticky about Type I-VI) Anyway, I thought this was kinda cool for other newbies trying to organize thoughts on dens.
The Six Subcategories of Dens!!!
1. Phalaenanthe A.K.A Den-phals
2. Spatulata
3. Dendrobium
4. Callista
5. Latouria
6. Formosae
This certainly helped me a lot.

Though the information is very general, just thought I'd put it out there.