My first Den Kingianum has been displaying some growths. What I thought was a keiki might be a flower spike! Can anyone let me know if its true? If it is, does that mean its winter rest is over and I start should watering and feeding it regularly? Its an indoor orchid that will be moved outside in the shade when it gets sunnier and warmer.
Looks like a spike to me. Congratulations! I'm not a Dendro grower, but this is a signal that the plant wants to get active. I would think watering would be most welcome, but hopefully Dendro growers will chime in,
I water my kingi year 'round, partly due to the fact the I see the beginnings of spikes (nodes swelling, and /or nubs) by early autumn (usually - this year things started later than usual). Blooms great!
That said, yes! Water, but don't keep media soggy - just lightly moist.