This is a great species. I got mine from Andy's too. It's one of the limited number of papua new guinea dens that can handle heat without too much problems, although it should handle too many weeks in the 90's... I used to grew it in one of my tanks inside but was tipped that it does better outside where it can dip lower in temps at night, this helps fatten their pbulbs... flowers better with temp drops at night too. Medium light is good, but can grow in phal light, mounted and watered a lot with clean distilled or R/O water... mine only flowers in summer, but the species is known to flower whenever it feels like it. It can flower on old leafless pbs as well as newer ones with leaves. Mine's a young plant but hoping for more flowers as I perfect it's culture...
There are similarities to dichaeoides classification confusion with those two. Information on it is easily found with a search, but either one is grown the same. Dichaeoides is a longer more pendulous grower (6-8 in/ 13-15cm growths), limpidum is shorter growing one but still can over time form a sizable clump (4-5 in/ 10-13cm growths). They can grow new pbs along older pbs as well.