One of my plants gave me a good laugh and a nice surprise this weekend.
When I was watering my plants, I saw a couple roots sticking out from near the top of a pseudobulb on one of my little hard cane hybrid dens, and at first I thought the plant had some roots that had just grown up the cane and were now waving around in the air . . . but when I moved the plant tag out of the way to get a better look, I busted out laughing because the roots are growing from a very new little keiki, and the roots are as long as the keiki!!
I love this little plant, it's super-cute and the leaves get attractive red edges when it's getting enough light. The blooms are a lovely rich magenta. I'm looking forward to the day when I can separate the keiki and start another pot of the plant
Plant in bloom earlier this year (along with some others):