Or maybe I should say bracteosum ssp tanii, depending on how the wind is blowing today
Anyway, my question to folks is that I've had this tanii for three years almost (as of next month), and for these past two years, buds start appearing visibly usually in early January. However, as of now, I'm seeing buds on the newest defoliating stems (ie ones that have maybe one leaf left...several years old...not new at all, but not previously flowered) already.
I've given it a fairly hard dry hot sunny summer (south window) more so than previous years perhaps. They're such a tough plant! Is this floral wander time something that happens? I know that I'll have blooms till May or June at least, no matter what...they last SO long. I'd hate for the plant to get reset to the point it blooms in summer, I treasure it's winter/early spring glory.