Seeking insight into parentage for "Burana Emaron Gold"
I tried looking this up in the RHS database, but got nothing; the tag doesn't identify the grower, either (I bought it at a local plant nursery; they get orchids from multiple sources).
I've been assuming it's a hard cane hybrid, so it's been in front of a south-facing window and getting watered a couple times a week, but I thought it might be useful, or at least interesting to get some idea about what species might have helped create this one, (or maybe send me off to acquire some interesting new plants! I've been getting really fascinated by dendrobiums).
How do you go about trying to determine these things, if the plant isn't registered and there's no seller that provides background info? This one's flowers are larger and a different shape than the den-phal-etc. hybrids I have, so I assume that's a clue, but I don't know where to go from there.
(The camera didn't quite capture the green in the flowers properly - the green is greener than this - but the magenta-purple is pretty close.)