Endemic to southeastern Thailand, and south Vietnam this orchid specie in evergreen lowland forest at elevations around 659 meters as a miniature plant that have short canes and bright green leaves. I water every other day in the warmer months with fertilizer weekly weakly and in the colder months I water this only enough to keep the canes from shriveling and hold fertilizer until new growths emerge in spring because this orchid plant prefers to stay on the drier side in winter, but not in full rest. This is in a 4 inches’ pot with a well-drained mix of sphagnum moss mixed with medium fir bark. It is tolerant of temperatures in the hot to intermediate range and lowers are small and white with green throats and run down the length of the cane; they are lightly fragrant with a pleasant scent. Easy to grow, the flowers last for a month. Like most dendrobiums, they like medium to high light.
Erhardt, W., Götz, E., Bödeker, N., & Seybold, S. (2008).
Der große Zander. Eugen Ulmer KG, Stuttgart
ISBN 978-3-8001-5406-7. (Ger.)
Christoper Brickell (Editor-in-chief): RHS A-Z
Encyclopedia of Garden Plants. Third edition. Dorling
Kindersley, London 2003, ISBN 0-7513-3738-2.




