This will teach you to not send me down memory lane!!
You can see the ways I had mounted these to enhance their growing from sub-erect to recumbent to pendant.
Most are on rafts [flats, etc] or bark mounts. Tree limb and other wood mounts would work as well also, anything their roots can attach to.
You can put a truly pendant plant into a pot or a bowl and it will still grow pendant as long as you let it.
The small yellow Den. that I couldn't remember was a Den sulcatum
Now Pendant Dendrobiums:
I had forgotten about this one
Den christyanum

A small nigrohirsute.
Den. victoria-reginae
Den. devonianum

This had much smaller flowers than I had expected. But still, a very pretty flower.
Den. findlayanum

I just love this flower and the shape of the PBs.
Den. anosmum

These two plants have different shaped flowers.
Den. primulinum

It is nice, but it just doesn't turn me on.
Den. crystallinum

I love this plant. It was sent to me by mistake. I had ordered a Den. gratiosissimum. This came labeled as that, best error anyone ever made for me.
I would suspend it in the window in one direction for a full growing season. Then, when it began to form buds I would turn it 180* to let the new foliage grow out in the other direction.
Den. gratiosissimum

After becoming suspicious that the D.crystallinum wasn't a D.gratiosissimum. I ordered this from an East Coast dealer.
I preserved and sent flowers in to have them both ID'd through an East Coast University Botany Department.
Den. parishii

This little cutie has a strong raspberry fragrance like the D. anosmums.
Den. pendulum

I was very disappointed that this didn't have the purple tips on the petals and sepals.
Den. transparens


These flowers were also much smaller than I had expected.
Den. pierardii

This had reproduced so quickly that I had to divide it very often. I was always giving divisions of this one away.
The middle one is a cotton wood bark mount.
They do not need to be Dendrobiums to be pendant.
Brassavola cuculata

I love how even the flower parts are pendant.
The PBs do not need to be pendant as long as the inflorescence is.
Den. amethystoglossum

Den.'s dalhuoseanum [pulchellum], chrysotoxum, lindleyii, moschatum and a few others have similar type inflorescences.
Again, they don't necessarily need to be Dendrobiums.
Oncid. ornithorhyncum
OK, that's enough.
You should get enough ideas on how to pot or mount sub-erect, recumbent and pendant plants from these.
OK, I tried to get these pics uploaded correctly a couple of times now. Some just will not load upright. You'll just have to cock your head to look at them. It may be because of the number of pics I've uploaded.