A noID, maybe a spring dream 'apollon' (thats what they mark it as now), but this is a noID. (Never know what the hybrid mix are, even though they look the same)
Anyway. I have had this since 2010. I never cared for them, my hubby watered them. Dont remember if it was in 2013 or 2014 I started caring, maybe 2014.
All plants got the same- same pot as they came in, no repotting until 2014. Bark. Only phals, except this one.
In 2013

Growing wild, but as you can see: dry as a bone, poor thing.
During 2014 it died, but it kept making new growths.

Potted the remains of this orchid in moss. Had learned they needed more water. It rarely bloomed, learned they needed temp drop.
Put outside for a month or so, heavy rain and really wet. When I took it in, it actually looked obese, like it was really fat. Canes almost bursting. Been inside and looks more normal. And it flowered, for the first time in some years.
I did forget to turn it while the budding was going on, so the flowers are on the "wrong" side. (I turn them, and make the flowers open on the side I feel looks best on display later)
Nine flowers, 3 x 3. I assume this will be better every year, considering how fast it grows.
I like the green in the middle, and I like the plant. The flower smells, but I really dont like that. There is something odd about the smell, trying really hard to pinpoint what it is- it reminds me of something, but I just dont know what
Easy plant. Considering it survived all my mistakes, its a hardy plant aswell.
Likes to be moist all the time, roots grow fast.
Dendrobiums are growing on me, they do have their charm.
These are sold pretty cheap, and in common flower shops. Great for beginners. (Lol, just give it more water than a phalaenopsis😜
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