I pretended to know what I'm talking about
, and wrote up a little bit about 2 varieties of Dendrobium moniliforme in my Orchid Borealis blog post(
link here). To be honest, I'm relatively new to D. moniliforme culture, but I happen to read Japanese, so I decided to share some info I collected from Japanese web sites. I also attempted to explain some of the special vocabulary describing the features, but this might have made it difficult to read. Hopefully, some info is useful to some of you. It is not as popular as Vanda (Neofinetia) falcata, but it is equally addicting and fascinating.
These were flowering earlier (Jan-March), but I haven't had time to post.
Following 2 photos are Benikida (紅木田):
Dendrobium moniliforme 'Benikida' (紅木田) on Flickr
Dendrobium moniliforme 'Benikida' (紅木田) on Flickr
Following 2 photos are Benikomachi (紅小町).
Dendrobium moniliforme 'Benikomachi' (紅小町) on Flickr
Dendrobium moniliforme 'Benikomachi' (紅小町) on Flickr