I've had this D. spectabile for about 1.5 years. The largest pseudobulbs are maybe 8 inches tall now. Seems to be growing nicely, but knowing that the species is often 18 to 24 inches tall before it blooms, I'm not really expecting flowers for another 2 or 3 years.
Well, we have had a really odd autumn here. Much warmer than usual, and very wet. This is the first time I can recall leaving my plants outside into November. The cold-sensitive plants have come indoors, but some others have been out in the rain (it has been raining or drizzling for what seems like 2 or 3 weeks, with few breaks in the rain).
I was checking the outdoor plants yesterday evening, and noticed this bump near the top of the pseudobulb:
I _KNOW_ it is much smaller than a blooming size D. spectabile, but to me this looks like a spike. Next best guess - keiki. I am a relative newb in terms of growing Dendrobiums, so I am asking for some opinions here -
Or keiki?
FWIW, my Den. Kingianum is also spiking.