If it's showing new growth it's probably not going to bloom at this point. Your temps during the rest period should be in the 40s with no water. I have had mine out in my quilting studio since Halloween. It's in the low to mid 40s out there and I have one bud on an old cane, hoping for more.
If it's showing new growth it's probably not going to bloom at this point.
I've never grown type I Nobile dendrobiums but with anosmum (a type II nobile deciduous) I don't do anything but withhold water/fertilizer. Temps are naturally cooler (60s, but not 40s) - they are in my grow window in the house. I get green growths and flower bud development at same time (flower buds on last year's canes.)
Mine is a type I (I guess). It doesn't go completely deciduous. I check on it weekly and it looks fine. Seems to really like the cool temps. This is my first time trying this scheme, and it seems to be working like a charm. There are others here who have put them outside in weather that's in the 30's! Mine is inside but the studio only has the heat on if I'm out there working.