Lighting for dendrobium antennatum?
I live in Jakarta, Indonesia. I have two types of antennatums, the regular and long horned variety. Both are grown full sun on a 28th floor balcony and it seems to love it. Keep growing new bulbs and (especially the regular ones) never stopped flowering.
Many spatulata dendrobiums love the sun, water, humidity, heat and air circulation and antennatum is one of the easiest and fastest growing spatulata if you give lots of the mentioned factors, but I think it is the most forgiving one in term of light. I got my long horned variety as a freshly collected plant and I put it in the shadiest corner of my balcony next to the washing machine. Within a couple of weeks I saw new roots and growth appear and a surprise spike
Last edited by Suri85; 08-26-2016 at 05:13 AM..