Dendrobium Spectabile yellow leaves on young pseudobulbs..
Hi everyone, I'm having a problem with a new dendrobium spectabile (shorty) i recently purchased. 'shorty' being it has much smaller canes than normal. currently in a 4" pot. The media is a bit broken down, but not in terrible shape. two leaves started yellowing, slowly, first one then another. the yellow is on the smallest canes. maybe the pot is too crowded?
Other than that, i recently moved the plant outdoors, into a position with dappled light most of the day, with a period of full sun later in the day, which the plant is generally responding well to. Could the yellowing of the leaves be a sign of this change? from a windowsill to outside?
I'm in southern california, not far from the coast, so the weather is warm and great air circulation. the plant is elevated on a rack
OR, am i drowning the poor thing?
Last edited by jasongomez0; 03-31-2015 at 06:28 PM..