Looks amazing! I love the bulbous canes! Even leafless, it is interesting! I just got one a seedling a couple days ago. Any advice for a new D. pendulum grower?
Light: bright light like cattleyas and almost vanda 2500-3000 fc. West and south windows great.
Watering: daily spraying on mount in summer (drench once a week and heavy feeding when growing) aka never dry in summer when growing; in winter I keep spraying sunny days but let dry a couple days in between even as flowers appear in winter. So never dry long periods
Winter rest: spray lightly daily on sunny days on roots; no spray on cloudy days; no fertilizer during this period even when in bloom in winter.
Potting: best mount on cork with NZ spagnum moss at roots. If potted, bark mix with perlite to keep air at roots.
Fertilizer: I use fish emulsion, seakelp and super thrive every other watering during growing summer season
Temperatures: warm in spring and summer; winter should drop to 13-15C at night to do well
Mine is budded up and the buds are getting bigger by the day...shouldn't be too much longer now.
Shannon - I think you should get one. You will love it! Plus, it likes it drier in the winter so your "desert" would be perfect for it. I know because I have a desert in the winter too. I water it maybe 2x a week in the dead of winter.