Well, I was very disciplined at first not buying anymore orchids...and then my spouse bought me two Phals for christmas today...and for some reason I couldn't resist buying the Dendrobium Microchip after y'all suggested it!

This forum is a bad influence! haha It just sounded so cute, and it's fragrant, and I also have no Dendrobiums.
Okay, so now how do I take care of it?
I have an east-facing window and a flourescent light fixture with T8s...planning to attach four T8s to the side wall of the east bay window. Will that be enough light for this one? The east window is about 6ft high and wide and gets 3 hours of unobstructed sunlight per day.
Also, I heard somewhere that scale can be an inssue for Dendrobiums...how do I check, what do I do if it has it?