This is a cute miniature growing in my cool tank ... They in a mat like format crawling all over like a Dendrobium prenticei ... It is quite floriferous and the yellow flower with a deep magenta lip lasts more than a month... The height is around 2-3 cm and flowers are 1 cm. I grow it moist with a slight drying between daily misting of RO water, feed lightly with fish emulsion and kelp once a month and bright medium T4 lights (15 cm below light), temp 12C night to 25C days. I recommend this one to all collectors of miniatures! From J&L
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Matt, can you tell me which plants work on it? I read the pleurothallis don't do well in them as they dry up fast? On top of that you may need to put on moss on top to retain humidity? Please show pics of your plants on them? Thanks !!!