My first Dendrobium bloom. Anyone know what it is?
This is my first Dendrobium bloom. The plant most likely came from a big box store and no label. The main bloom spike has 16 buds so far and the second spike has 12 buds developing so far. The color is very iridescent. Thanks for any suggestions.
My first Dendrobium bloom OOPS WRONG FORUM DON't know how to delete
Don't know what it is but ohhhh so pretty and so iridescent. The main bloom spike has 14 buds so far and the second spike has nine. Will it keep developing buds and will they all open? How long might they last? This is like an early Xmas. It is in my greenhouse, can I bring it inside and if yes when? I really would like to enjoy it more often.
Congrats. It is a lovely colour. For myself, I would let a few more buds develop before bringing it in. The few of this type that I have had seem to last quite long so you should still get to enjoy it for quite a while after you bring it in.
Very beautiful.
How long phal type dendrobium flowers last is plant dependant.
My white phal den lasts for around a month.
While my warawan holds its blooms for about 7 months.
Generally all the buds you see by the time the first flower opens is all your going to get.
Yes you can bring it in.
I like to bring my orchids in for display either before I see the first bud. Or after the last bud opens.
I find they don't blast that way.