LIGHT: 3000-4000 fc. The heavy summer cloud cover indicates that some shading is needed from spring through autumn, but light should be as high as the plant can tolerate, short of burning the leaves. Strong air movement should be provided year-round.
TEMPERATURES: Throughout the year, days average 82-89F (28-32C), and nights average 73-78F (23-26C), with a diurnal range of 9- 11F (5-6C).
HUMIDITY: 70-80% year-round.
WATER: Rainfall is moderate to heavy during summer and early autumn, but conditions are much drier in winter. Cultivated plants should be kept moist while actively growing, but water should be gradually reduced in autumn. Australian growers recommend a daily morning
misting in summer, even for pot-grown plants, with evening
misting when temperatures are above 91F (33C).
FERTILIZER: 1/4-1/2 recommended strength, applied weekly. A high- nitrogen fertilizer is beneficial from spring to midsummer, but a fertilizer high in phosphates should be used in late summer and autumn.
REST PERIOD: Growing temperatures should be maintained year- round. Some growers report success with winter minimums near 54F (12C). It should be noted, however, that this is colder than the record lows in the habitat. In cultivation, these extremes should probably be avoided; but seed-grown plants are somewhat adaptable and may adjust to these conditions, especially if they are kept very dry. A long dry rest is required in winter. Many growers recommend hanging plants high in the greenhouse and forgetting them for 2-3 months in winter. However, a little rain does fall each month, so an occasional early morning
misting should help keep plants from becoming too dry. Growers should maintain high light levels, provide strong air movement, and eliminate fertilizer until watering is resumed in spring. After growth starts, Australian growers strongly recommend using care to keep water from the new growths until they are 2-3 in. (5-8 cm) tall.
GROWING MEDIA: Plants may be mounted or potted. If plants are potted, the pots should be as small as possible and the medium should be very open and fast draining. Excellent drainage is essential. Repotting is best done when the new growth is 2-3 in. (5-7 cm) high and new root growth is evident.
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