Oh my Dendrobium has rotten roots
Ok I must explain, I got the orchid this year for Valentines. It was already in full bloom as I haven't seen any buds and the stem was completely filled with blossoms. The flower was purple with two small white dots at the inner part of the lip. I regret not having a photo, but all the flowers have dropped off and I did some research and cut at the node previous to where the budding was existing.
Where I live is very hot, so I did try to mist most mornings to prevent dehydration. I then started to notice that some leaves got yellowish and dropped off and the ends of some were getting blackish and being cut away. I assumed was too much water or sun burn. So I watered less and had it in a more shaded area, I also fertilized once a week. These was also a growth at the base, a keiki I assumed.
As I researched more I decided to strip him and examine the roots and to my utmost surprise, they were rotten. So I try to cut off the rotten ones and leave the potentially able ones from the mother plant in hope of recovery. I left the keiki on but I have the roots open in hope of curbing the rotting process. I sprinkled cinnamon for bacteria (I read that somewhere). The keiki roots look healthy but I have no idea what to do now.