Sara, they are definitely flower buds. Den. Iki is a group IV nigro-hirsute(little black hairs all over it) type. I have one in the same group Den. Frosty Dawn and it is budding just like that. Each Frosty Dawn bud normally carries 2 flowers. Not sure if Iki will do like wise. Good growing!

Group IVs only need a slight pause in fall as far as a rest period goes, but heck my started budding in the fall. I also feed at every watering.
There are many different groups of Dens (6), and they run the gamut from no winter to rest at all to strict winter rest with no water or fert. It's best to look up each individual plant's requirements since they are so diverse in their growth habits and needs.
Here is Frosty's bloom last spring. I have twice the number of buds now.