Oh my...that is beautiful! The yellows are harder to come by and at least 2-3x more costly than the reds. In some cases I've seen them go for as much as 4x what a red costs...and the reds aren't cheap to begin with.
The yellows are harder to grow and far more fussy about cool temps. Given your very warm clime...it might not do very well for you. With that said, if it is something that you're getting for a very reasonable price (or free!) then I would likely give it a try anyway.
I bought a 4N red last April and I'm disappointed to report that it's not doing so well. It didn't have the best roots when I got it...but now it's lost all of it's roots and I don't know for sure if it's a wet thing or a heat thing. Likely a combo of both. They can be fussy growers...for sure. Still...it's fun to try. If this one doesn't make it I'll try at least one more but I won't spend the $$ for a yellow unless I can grow a red.
Ok, so that was a bunch of babble and perhaps it didn't help at all but that' my 2...er, I guess I gave you 4 cents worth of words.
Be sure and post pics if you opt to get it.
BTW -- This Soph is now Cattleya so your little plant isn't a den. You probably already knew that but I thought I'd mention it since you posted your inquiry in a thread devoted to dens.

Just in case you were confused.