Den Speciosum curv.'Daylight Moon' x speciosum var spec 'Goldilocks' and Den 'Crysta'
I bought this Den Speciosum curv.'Daylight Moon' x speciosum var spec 'Goldilocks' for $25 in 2011 at an orchid show, I think in a 5" pot and in the past three years it has quadrupled in size finally blooming now. From no blooms before to five spikes of yellow flowers with a tangy lemon pledge sort of fragrance. I'm very happy with it. In the first picture I have it in a family photo with one of my kingianums (purple) and a white Dendrobium Specio-kingianum 'Crysta'. Behind are a few cymbidiums and other orchids currently in bloom. Other pictures of the 'Crysta' are also attached.
Last edited by mjHuntingtonBeach; 03-05-2014 at 11:25 PM..
Reason: correct title