I was cruising Ebay and saw Clown Alley offering a chrysopterum in bloom! I've been looking at getting some PNG Dendrobiums and this one was near the top of my wish list. I should be posting pics in a few days.
I feel like this is a newbie question, but is this orchid just very similar to den. obtusisepalum? I remember reading on an online vendor's site somewhere (I can't remember who -- maybe piping rock or orchids limited) about a them having the 'real' obtusisepalum. Was a hybrid between that and this species what they were talking about as the 'not real,' or something along those lines?
There's some confusion in my mind on those two species too. All the pics of flowers look identical. I even came across a reference listing obtusipetalum (aka obtusisepalum) as a synonym of chrysopterum... haven't managed to find a detailed description that would help differentiate between the two.
To FURTHER complicate things, I was looking at dendrobiums in preparation for a trip this weekend, and they list as available both an obtusipetalum and a hybrid of chrysopterum and an obtusipetalum x lawesii!!! But to simplify matters they also have a violaceum and a reflexipetalum, so.....