I have successfully produced a spike on one of my canes, and am seeing the tiniest sign of a new cane beginning to grow at the bottom. Should I resume watering/fertilizing, or wait until the spike opens?
I always resume my watering and fertilizer regimen if I see signs of new growth or flower buds. This kind of Dendrobium has a drastic winter rest and it is giving you a sign that they have awakened from a deep sleep....and they are sure hungry.
Drastic indeed! Two months with no water at all. I almost gave into temptation, but I am glad that I didn't :-) This will be my first rebloom of this species since I bought it two years ago. I'll post pics when the spike is a little more defined.
The primulinum doesn't grow spikes. The flower buds appear along the length of last years new growth. The flower will be very close to the leafless cane.
Mine is just now starting to get the buds - yours still might produce them.