Sunset Valley Orchids - Superior Hybrids for Orchid Enthusiasts
My e-mail said:
"Sunset Valley Orchids 2013 Aussie Dendrobium list
Hello news letter subscribers,
The long awaited Australian Dendrobiums list is now ready. Sunset Valley Orchids is leading the hybridizing effort of Aussie Dens in the USA. For many years we have been sourcing plant material from Australia's top breeders and have developed a superior collection of breeding stock. This season's focus has been on the development of the hottest trend, yellow flowers with red marking.
The Aussie Dendrobiums are hardy plants; they do well with summer day temperatures from 75-95 degrees and winter nights of 40-55 degrees. Sunset Valley Orchids has been trialing them all over the USA and we have received good customers reports from Florida, Virginia, New York, Oregon, Michigan, Oklahoma, and California.
One of the best features is the fragrant flowers that fill the growing area with a wonderful aroma. And also the plants re-flower from the old growths. On some plants I have seen pseudobulbs over a 5 year period produce up to 12 inflorescences! This re-flowering characteristic makes for the fast development of beautiful specimen plants, a nice feature as most Aussie Dens flower in late January, February and March, just in time for the Orchid Show season.
Why not give them a try? They are one of Australia's best kept secrets.
Here is the link to the 'secret' web page it's only accessible thru this E-mail.
Sunset Valley Orchids 2013 Aussie Dendrobium list
News letter subscribers will have exclusive access for about a week before it goes 'live' on the web site. Some items are limited so order early. And please feel free to forward this E-mail to your closest orchid friends; you don't want them to miss out do you...?
I am always available to take your calls and E-mails so please feel free to do so, I love to talk orchids. (760) 310-0778"
---------- Post added at 01:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:49 PM ----------

of course I placed an order