I have this cute little Den Palolo Sunshine Ito - he's just a little guy now - and OrchidWiz says to "Keep moist in the Spring-Summer, when plant is in active growth". OK, but what about winter watering? Should I let dry between waterings? Thanks, all!
I give my BABY dens a little more water in the winter than I do a mature one. Just make sure you don't over-do it as it is very easy to rot roots if plants are not actively growing...Jean
I would water fairly normally. Babies can't withstand being too dry. I would water as media becomes nearly dry, or just when it becomes dry, but don't allow it to remain dry.
I don't think this one requires a winter rest, even when mature.
I would water normally, but based on when it needs it rather than a set schedule. I think it will need less in the winter but if you base watering on when it becomes just dry as Sonya suggests that will happen naturally if need be.