treating 3 dendrobiums in 1 pot
hello everyone, i would appreciate some advice regarding a recently acquired noid dendrobium (phalaenanthe), thread here:".
after its blooms were spent i repotted on the 12th of may -- yes, i keep a record of my (mis)adventures! -- at which time i found that the plant was tightly attached to a roughly 3 x 5 cm chunk of very wet coconut fibre at the core. after gently and sometimes none-too-gently removing the rotted material i had three separate "plants" on hand, each with a mature pseudobulb and a few of what look like new growths.
since i got the impression that these dendrobiums like to be rootbound, i decided to repot them all in same 4-inch plastic container, medium bark and perlite in equal measure.
i watered lightly on the 19th and then a little more on the 26th.
come 29th of may, new roots and shoots emerged. this was a defining and not a little moving moment which i think a lot of beginners experience, after a harrowing repotting rife with much clumsiness and uncertainty and afterwards not knowing if one has done the thing correctly. to discover signs of new growth is monumental as far as having orchids go.
i watered thoroughly on the 2nd of june.
what i need advice is with one of the "groups" whose mature pseudobulb as well as its smaller ones already present when i bought this, are showing signs of shrivelling. the other two groups look rather well-hydrated compared to this one and so i began to worry.
my first (beginner's) impulse was to water and i did so only three days ater the last watering. i don't want to kill this group for want of saving it by overwatering, so shall i repot these groups separately in smaller pots?
as of this writing, all three groups have new roots and shoots just under a centimetre in length.