I'm not sure I'm supposed to post this in here, but it serves my interest best if I do so I'm going for it
Right! So we were in an aquarium shop and right in the middle stood this magnificent piece of Mopani wood (I think)!
It's about 1 meter high (bout 40") and was priced at €35 ($45). I considered it a hell of a bargain, thought about it, realized we were going to save up some money this month and that it would be best to leave it at that, which resulted in me walking out of the store with this beautiful piece of wood (damn...) about 10 mins later
We've installed the piece of wood on a plank:
Quite ugly, but it'll soon be covered with a mixture of Tec7 brown silicone, peat and sphag moss to make it look more natural
Now onto the real issue: I want to cover this baby in dwarf/compact/miniature Dendrobiums!
More specifically: Deciduous Dens needing a complete dry rest, requiring about the same conditions (e.g. light, temperature, etc.)
The ones I've got are D. aphyllum, D. pierardii (I know it's a syn. of aphyllum, but they're clearly different but hasn't bloomed yet so I'm keeping the name for now

), D. primulinum (a very compact form, I don't know if it's possible?!) D. dixanthum and D. monoliforme. I keep those in pretty much the same conditions and seem to be doing okay!
So any other Dendrobiums requiring the same atmosphere are very welcome!
Other than that, but I'm not too sure these need such a dry rest, I have D. rhodosticum, harveyanum, thyrsiflorum, capituliflorum, denudans, aberrans x polysema, eximium, chrysocrepis, peguanum, densiflorum and tetragonum.
Looking forward to other Dens I can put on there or just any advice in general! Thanks!
P.S. The piece of wood will be indoors if there's any doubt about that