Originally Posted by CodiMN
So lovely. Phantasm, you said you got this in India? I would love to know if you recommend any growers in the US? Feel free to PM me. Thanks so much for sharing!!!! 
There was a group of people that formed locally years ago, and over time they have imported plants from various countries. I only ordered a couple of times, once from India and once from the Philippines. Most of the plants didn't survive, but most of the dendrobiums and aerides did quite well from India. From the Philippines, the cymbidiums and dendrochilums did well.
I don't know who sells this in the U.S. but would guess there are many that do. Try to google the species name and many vendors will pull up!
This one can handle cool temperatures in the winter (down to 40F) . Handle them like Dend. nobile (dry and cool in the winter) and they will bloom pretty easily once they get up to size.