thanks silje and vjo
and yes just roks. It was mounted when I bought it with about 10 small bulbs. It fell off the mount a few times bec its roots are very tiny small and break easily when they dry out. Sooooo I stuck it in a pot of dyna roks and been there ever since. Now Dyna Rok isnt just rocks. They are very special roks. They are fresh water fossilized diatoms. I.E. Diatomaceous earth.
You just cant overwater your plants in this stuff
Dyna-Rok (trade name) is an all purpose, inert, soil less growing medium comprised of 90% silica. Offers high water absorbance (>150 %) making it a perfect solution for very hot/dry climates.
I wanna see the flowers now too
They like a lot of heat and bright light during the growing season. What got it to bloom for me IMO was spending a month and a half in a cold dark garage without being watered. They need to go dry during the winter months for about 6 weeks.That starts your new growths and roots. Roots go happy hunting looking for water. If it had been left wet the roots would not have to go looking for water not grown bulbs or bloomed. And may have root rotted without the heat of the sun.
Sounds familiar?