These photos include the overall show champion......very impressive I have to say it was too.
Den speciosum
Den purpureum
Den usitae (Show Champion)
Den Horsey Dawn x Den lowii (not sure on name)
Some soft Canes - the quality of these I felt were very high.
Couple more soft canes (I thought the flower quality of these was the best I have seen).
Den Alpha Plus Dream
A couple of whie soft canes with the dark throat
Den spectabile (hard to imagine a better one)

---------- Post added at 05:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:25 PM ----------
Here are some more.......some impressive plants........
Den Cute Smile
Den speciosum x kingianum (what a great specimen)
Den Silky White
Den Lai's Pearl Queen 'Golf'
Den capituliflorum
Den Spring Dream
Den goldschmidtianum x glomeratum
A close up of Den usitae flowers