From noticing that there's the leftover part where the spike was cut back on the tip of the bigger pseudobulb, I'm going to guess that yours is a Dendrobium phalaenopsis type?
Dendrobiums are hardy plants. I ordered a NoID dendrobium phalaenopsis off of eBay earlier this year and I had no idea that it was going to be shipped all the way from Spain, lol (I like to say now that it was imported...
Well, it was basically just one leafless pseudobulb with one new growth, that was only a couple of inches long, coming from it and not much of a root system either. When the seller shipped it, they had even bent the pseudobulb about a third of the way down and at a 90 degree angle in order to make it fit into the box (EEK!). But I eventually got it to straighten back out again over time. Upon closer inspection, I'd noticed that the tip of the new growth was rotting. (I don't think that was the seller's fault tho, and it probably happened during shipment.) So I had to cut it off. Well, I repotted it and took care of it along with my other orchids. Soon after, not only did it have a new growth coming from the base of it, but it also had four keikis budding out from it as well. Along with many new roots, and now my den-phal seems to be doing happier than ever.